With Google Apps login enabled, users are authenticated using their Google credentials. The following process occurs during Google console login:


Admin EmailEmail address of Google

Admin PasswordGoogle Administrator


In Configuration->Login, select ‘Google’ as the Console Login Method. Enter the Google administrator email address and password in the fields provided. Click the New Role Assignment button to create one or more role mappings.  It is imperative to create at least one role mapping. The purpose of the mapping is to assign a user or group of users a role. For instance, to map all Google Administrators to the Administrator role, select ‘Administrator’ as the Role and in the Selection field choose ‘adminsitrators’. Once all role mappings have been defined, click Save and perform a Test Login to establish whether the login settings are configured correctly.



FieldDescription  Matches
AdministratorGoogle Administrators[leave empty]
Normal UsersGoogle Users[leave empty]
Specific UserSpecific Google User[username of specific user]
Specific GroupSpecific Google Group[name of specific group]